
Boiling down the dietary guidelines

Where do I need to cut back?

Most Americans eat too much sodium and too many calories from saturated fat and added sugars. Even if you aren't overweight, too much sodium, saturated fat and added sugars in your diet can increase your risk of heart disease and other problems.

A diet that meets your nutrition needs doesn't have much room for added sugars, saturated fat or sodium. You don't have to eliminate them completely. You can enjoy them within these limits:

  • Added sugars: Less than 10% of calories a day
  • Saturated fat: Less than 10% of calories a day
  • Sodium: Less than 2,300 milligrams a day

Alcoholic beverages too add calories but few nutrients. You can choose not to drink alcohol. But if you do drink, limit yourself to no more than one drink a day if you're a woman or two drinks a day if you're a man.

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